Loengud: infotehnoloogilised rakendused humanitaarteadustes

Septembris külastab Eestit Suurbritannia arheoloog dr Graeme Earl Southamptoni ülikoolist. Tema peamiseks uurimisvaldkonnaks on infotehnoloogilised rakendused humanitaarias ning arheoloogiline visualiseerimine. Dr Earl osaleb rahvusvaheliselt tuntud Çatalhöyüki ja Portuse uurimisprojektides, kus juhatab digitaalsete rakenduste ja rekonstruktsioonide tegemist.
Eestis peab dr Earl kaks loengut:
Tallinnas on loeng esmaspäeval, 17. sept algusega kell 14.15 TLÜ Ajaloo Instituudis auditooriumis 1 (Rüütli tn 10) teemal “Collaboration and Communication: Digital Humanities Research at Southampton University”
Loengut juhatab sisse Eesti IT-visonäär Linnar Viik.
Digital humanities ehk infotehnoloogilised rakendused humanitaarteadustes on uus ja väga kiiresti arenev valdkond, milles Southamtoni ülikool on üheks teerajajaks Suurbritannias. Sealne Digital Humanities uurimiskeskus (SotonDH) ühendab 6 teaduskonna 16 erineva valdkonna teadlasi ning koostööpartnereid väljaspool ülikooli, kelle hulgas on näiteks Google, Microsoft Research, TaiCaan Technologies Ltd ja EMI.

“In this talk Graeme Earl will dicuss about the Digital Humanities activities at the University of Southampton, focused around the sotonDH hub. Ongoing research at Southampton focuses on ways of communicating complex ideas and data sets to a wide audience, including the public and multi-disciplinary researchers, and also on means to improve collaboration within and across domains including recent work on scholarly communications. Amongst the projects discussed will be work to use linked data in the characterisation of ancient cuneiform texts and documentation of Classical sources, and the application of human computer interaction principles to encourage collaborative research in the home, archive and in the field. It will also introduce a range of imaging, auralisation and visualisation projects at Southampton including applications in music and archaeology.”

Tartus on loeng kolmapäeval, 19. sept algusega kell 14.15 Philosophicumis Jakobi 2-213 teemal “Digital Archaeologies: Imaging, Fieldwork and Simulation of the Ancient World”

“In this talk Graeme Earl (University of Southampton) will introduce the activities of the Archaeological Computing Research Group, which has for the last twenty years explored research at the intersection of cultural heritage and computation. In particular the talk will describe work on field recording and simulation at Roman Portus, on collaboration and visualisation at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, and on imaging of artefacts from museums in the UK and Europe. Graeme is particularly interested in the reciprocal benefits of this research and will discuss future activities aimed at encouraging collaboration across domains, including the challenges and opportunities posed by management and interlinking of archaeological data.”
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